Thursday, December 20, 2007

Toward the Future/From the Past

1. My play is mostly very easy to show, because it has not much action in it. Most time it is only a dialogue between the characters. They are sitting in a room or in a cafe or in school. I think that is not very hard to show on stage. The only scene that could be difficult is in front of Sophies house, when they are arrived with the car. I like about plays, that you don't have to describe the background action so much, so the director has freedom in creativity. Most things are shown through the dialogue or small action. I liked writing a play, because it is hard to write a dialog in short stories, but if you only write a dialogue, than you can imagine what the characters would say and just write it down.

2. In my personal essay I would like to write about my experience of this year. My life changed so much here and I have so many good and less good experience of these first 4 Months in Edina. This is for sure a passage in my life that is very important for me and will leave an impact on myself. I nearly had all kind experience in this past months. I had very good times and surprising experience, but also bad times, when I regretted my decision to go here. But I also have a lot of experience from my life in Germany and my vacations with my family all around Europe, that I could write about. I have been in Italy, Denmark, Paris, Austria, Czech republic and a lot of places in Germany.

3. I would give advice to a 10 years old kid based on my experience. I have gone through many different and difficult things in life. I had good times and bad times. But I would give the most important advices that I learned in the last years: Be yourself!! Maybe not everybody will like you or be friend with you, but you are more happy this way, because your friends are your real friends who like you and not what you pretend to be.

Monday, December 10, 2007

The theme

1. I think every piece of writing needs a theme, because a piece without a theme is only putting together words and not writing. The Theme is very important for the reading, because not everybody likes the same theme. So the theme helps the people to find the book they like.
My favorite book is Harry Potter by J.K.Rowling. You have a clear theme. It is a fantasy book and it is about the life of Harry Potter. So you know what you get when you read it. So if you like realistic novels or love stories you should probably not read the book and you know it because you can see that it is a fantasy story.

2. A book that lasts for ever is always a good piece of writing. If the storie of a book is still related to the present and people are still intreseted in the theme of the piece of writing than will last for ever. The stories that are about daily things which are in every life and every centurie present will last throught the centuries. For example loce stories, because people will hopefully always love and see their own lifes in storiesw like Romeo & Juliet.

3. If I could leave a big impact on the world I would like to help the world peace. And I think a good piece of writing can cause this. A good piece of writing could make the people think about their issues and why there is no peace in the world. A good book could be a mirrow for their own lifes and so they could see the problems. Because the hardest thing in solvinmg problmes is to see that there is one. Everybody thinks peace is important but nobody takes it for their buissness to solve the problems. So a bookj that could show the world what theu could do for peace could maybe leave anm impact for centuries.

Monday, December 3, 2007


1. Somtinhg in the world that concerns me is how unfair everything is. The rich peple are getting more rich and the poor people are getting more poor. When you see all these rich people in their big huoses with a big garden and a lot of personal and then you see a family of 5 or more people in an house as big as the living room of the big house.

2. My friend in Germany is a very dynamic person. She always has to do something. She can never sit still for a minute. She soes a lot of thingts with her friends and a lot of sport. She is always in good mood and can cheer you up, when you had a bad day.

3. Nearly every kind of music inspires me. I can always find a part in a lyric, which I can compare to my life. The music inspires me to write, too. I wrote some poems about songs. They also inspire me, because I want to be singer and I love singing.